Wednesday, March 19, 2008

restoran norhikmah

this is the place i would go to get my fix of roti telur for breakfast. am a big fan of this stuff, and this place serves up the closest thing there is to the popular mamak fare more commonly found in 'malaya' as the locals would say. tucked in the main part of lutong town (opposite the shell station), the proprietors of this place do look convincingly like indian muslims who should know a thing or two about making a nice kuah dahl with sambal to go with the roti telur. ask for roti telur bawang and extra garing for greater effect. goes down well with a nice teh or nescafe tarik, you pick. it also serves up a decent bit of nasi lemak with all the bits on the side, like sambal, egg(s), chicken, timun etc. etc. its open pretty much for all the main meals of the day. a satay stand opens up in the evening and it is also very good, though the kuah kacang can be a bit too oily (some would say thats why it tastes good). we had it at a friends place the other nite, and it was delish. anyway, have a go and try it for yourself.

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